Unique Cultural Traits

What sets the Kanaka Maoli people apart from other native groups?

The Hula-
Hawaiian culture has many creative and unique elements that separate it from other cultures. Traditional dances such as the hula are ways in which these people expressed their beliefs and tell stories. Before there was a written language, the hula was the only way ancient Hawaiians were able to tell stories. Each intricate movement in this dance represented some symbolic meaning and were not just random movements.

The Hawaiian Language-
Contrary to popular beliefs, the ancient Hawaiians didn't speak English prior to the arrival of Christian missionaries. Instead they spoke in a traditional and unique Hawaiian language. Today, a minimal amount of locals still speak it, yet it remains an important aspect of the Kanaka Maoli culture. The Hawaiian alphabet consists of thirteen letters: a, e, i, o, u, h, k, l, m, n, p, w, and ' (okina). These twelve letters and the okina can be combined to form a multitude of different words. 

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